Each month, Wild.com will feature a Minnesota Wild Player or staff and his pet(s), presented by PetSmart.
Minnesota Wild video coach, Jonas Plumb, has an 18-year-old tabby cat, Sneakers, that likes to sleep in odd places and smell the flowers.
Brandon Laxson: "So tell me about your pet!"
Jonas Plumb: "Originally it wasn't my cat but when I met my fiancé she had two cats, Simon and Sneakers (Simon has passed away since then). I adopted them because it wasn't really a dealbreaker for me if she had cats and that's how Sneakers and I became buddies."
BL: "What kind of cat is Sneakers?"
JP: "He's just a run-of-the-mill tabby. He used to have a brother named Socks, so they were Socks and sneakers. She got them from a rescue in Naperville, Illinois."
BL: "What's your pet like? Any quirky personality traits?"
JP: "He's 18 years old so he's big and long. He's just a big, old tabby. He's still pretty spry for his age but he sleeps a lot. He oftentimes will sleep with his face against the wall like Garfield. He also likes to sleep on the top of the stairs to the basement with his face against the wall and we're not sure why he does that because it makes it a tricky first step. You'll have to skip to the second step a lot of the time which, if you're not paying attention, you could be at the bottom of the stairs."
BL: "Is he an indoor cat or an outdoor cat?"
JP: "He has always been an indoor cat. However, he enjoys his time outdoors. So, in the morning if I have time, I will grab a coffee and take him out and we'll just walk around the house and he'll smell the flowers and sometimes he'll chase chipmunks around."
BL: "Does he ever try to get away?"
JP: "He never runs away. He'll wander away if you're not paying attention, but he never runs away so he's pretty good that way. He meanders around, smells the flowers, and sits in the flowers and scratches himself on the bushes and does whatever he kinda wants."
BL: "Sounds like it's Sneakers' world and we're just living in it."
JP: "He's pretty fun, he's just pretty mellow. The other good thing about him is that he's a cat so he's a little more self-sufficient than dogs, you know. You can go away for a couple days, just make sure there's dry food and water available and they just take care of themselves. They're not like dogs where you can barely be away for two hours without them flipping their lids. We don't really worry about him too much."
BL: "Did you have any pets growing up?"
JP: "When I was born, I had a cat named Tiger. He looked exactly like Sneakers because he was a big tabby. There's a funny picture of me when I must have been a year old, and Tiger is twice the size of me."
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